Day 134: February 27, 2011: 4800m deep in the ocean
The polystyrene cup was decorated by Sam's sister Sophie (who is doing a PhD a Bangor in the oceanography department) and then travelled far far south on a research cruise in the Atlanic Ocean. There it was taken under the sea to 4800m! The pressure crushed it and created a now tiny little cup!
Day 133: February 26, 2011: Menai Bridge
Visited Sam's sister last night over in Menai Bridge, we went for a walk as soon as we arrived but I was a bit late on the sunset photos.
Day 132: February 25, 2011: Snow Drops
Snowdrops outside Sam's parent's place in North Wales. Funny I think I'd actually missed the UK countryside.
Day 131: February 24, 2011: Favourite food
When I'm in Uganda I always end up dreaming of the food I'll eat when I get home. Fajitas are my favourite. Yummy.
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